Monday, June 1, 2009

Forgive first

“It will be a long time to work through this, but some day I think I might be able to forgive.”
Nancy Leigh DeMoss: When you’ve been hurt, finding healing may involve a process. The problem is that a lot of people think they have to wait until the process is over before they choose to forgive.
“I think at some point God could lead me to forgive my dad.”
Nancy: They think that healing comes first, then forgiveness. Let me suggest that the opposite is true. The healing process begins with forgiveness. You can choose, by God’s grace, to forgive in a moment of time. Then you can allow God to give you grace to heal from that pain and even restore the relationship.
Would you like to be in the process of healing from the hurts of your past? Why not begin that process today by choosing to forgive?
Culled from Nancy Leigh DeMoss'"forgiveness is possible"

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